About Ngurrara
Ngurrara Pty Ltd is a 100% owned and operated Pilbara Aboriginal business formed by the joint venture of Traditional Owner Aboriginal Businesses with proven experience in the Mining and Civil Construction Projects.
Our Mission
Provide Shareholders a platform to deliver projects across the Resources Sector creating enhanced Aboriginal and local community participation
Our Vision
Collaborate, engage, and form partnerships to deliver solutions and successful outcomes
Our Values
- Safety First – Everything we do starts with safety
- Indigenous Focus – Promoting opportunities for Aboriginal people in the Pilbara Communities
- Respect for our People – Our people are the key to our success
- Respect for the Land – Commitment to the environment
- Work and Culture – Commitment to effective communication and promoting positive workplace culture
- Highest Quality Service Delivery – Our commitment to quality will set us apart
Our Statement
Our Capability Statement is our show case document to let our industry know what we are about, where we have come from, what we can offer and where we are going.
We believe that our business model is unique and that we are a competitive and reputable SME business.