Completed Site Projects
Experienced leaders, with over 5 decades of combined experience in Mining and Civil operations, proven business management systems, and the plant and equipment required to deliver projects across the Pilbara.
Ngurrara’s Management System is accredited with all Mining Companies, meaning that Ngurrara Representatives are fully inducted and compliant with all aspects of quality management systems and on-site induction and work requirements.
Our Shareholder companies have extensive experience on mining operations, mining and civil projects across the Pilbara. Ngurrara’s Vision is to collaborate, engage and form partnerships to deliver solutions and successful outcomes, while enhancing Aboriginal and local community participation.
Our Completed Site Projects
All completed projects were delivered timely, and with no LTIs and 100% Zero Harm.
BHP MAC E SCATS Rehandle and Screening (4 Months)
$2M+ Value
- The scope of work involved rehandling of approximately 45,000 tonnes of Scats material from a stockpile at E Deposit to the OHP stockyard at a rate of 2,000 tonne per day. The material is then screened to remove all +46mm material from the Scats. The final screened product is then stockpiled using a Hopper Feeder / Stacker.
BHP Yandi TLO1 Material Transfer, Decommissioning – Civils Works (6 Months)
$5M Value
- The scope of works involved the decommissioning of the Yandi Mine Train Load Out 1.
- Phase 1: Bulk Movement, involving the load and haulage of material from TLO1 to the Transfer Stockpile Destination.
- Phase 2: Rehabilitation, involving the reshaping of contours, deep ripping, topsoil relocation, topsoil spread, and scarification of the area.
BHP Yandi E1 Superhighway OSA and Haul Road Rehabilitation Project (6 Months)
$11M Value
- The scope of works Bulk earthworks and rehabilitation of overburden stockpile and haul road:
- Phase 1: Bulk Movement, involving the load and haulage of material haul road to OSA.
- Phase 2: Rehabilitation, involving the reshaping of contours, deep ripping, topsoil relocation, topsoil spread, and scarification of the area.
BHP MAC/SF Supply and Installation of Geological Survey Stations (6 Months)
$4M Value
- The scope of works involved preparation of the existing ground surface and the installation of the concrete structural pads and pillars. Installation and commissioning of survey pillar shelter, solar panel frames and panels and survey instrumentation.
Rio Tinto Gudai-Darri Water Security Access Road Project
$5M+ Value
- The scope was the provision of earth/civil, mechanical, piping, electrical and instrumentation works.
- The Gudai-Darri Water Security Project involved the supply, construction, installation, and commissioning of four new waters bores and associated pipeline infrastructure located on the eastern side of the Gudai-Darri mining operations and processing facility.
- Assist with constructability, risk assessments, detailed pricing, scheduling, and confirmation of lead times for key components. These services included inputs from various disciplines including project management, scheduling, estimators, procurement, and construction supervisors.
- Construction of access tracks, sediment traps/weirs, cleared pipeline corridors and bore pump station pads, including clearing and grubbing, bulk earthworks, and unsealed road formation.
- Supply and installation of bore pumps, rising mains, headworks and associated valves, instrumentation, and fittings.
- Supply and installation of HDPE pipelines from the new bore pads to tie-in points on the existing borefield pipelines.
- Supply and installation of skid mounted VSD bore pump control panels including telemetry system and supporting diesel generators and self-bunded double skinned fuel tanks to power and control the new bore pumps.
- Supply and installation of mechanical and concrete works necessary to complete the works.
Roy Hill Mupa Road Project (5 Months)
$2.5M Value
- The scope includes the repair and overall remediation of the eroded embankments and road shoulder along the Roy Hill Mupa Access Road.